Transform Your Remote Learning Experience with ExamOnline's Advanced Proctoring Solution

With the shift to distance learning, ensuring academic integrity and preventing cheating during online exams has become a major concern for educators and institutions worldwide. With ExamOnline, distance learning institutions can enjoy enhanced flexibility, reduced costs, and improved efficiency in conducting exams from anywhere, anytime.

ExamOnline Ratings
Remote Learning Experience

With ExamOnline for distance learning, you can enjoy a range of benefits:

Improved exam security

 Our advanced proctoring technology ensures exam integrity and prevents cheating.

Enhanced flexibility

Conduct exams anytime, anywhere, with our remote proctoring solution.

Enhanced student experience

Our user-friendly platform offers a seamless and stress-free exam experience for your students.

Reduced costs

Eliminate the need for physical exam centers and reduce logistical costs.

Our platform offers a range of features that set us apart from the competition:

AI-based technology

AI-based technology for real-time monitoring and detection of cheating.


Secure browser to prevent students from accessing unauthorized resources during the exam.

proctoring settings

Customizable proctoring settings to meet your specific exam needs.

High-quality video and audio icon

High-quality video and audio feeds to ensure accurate and reliable monitoring.

Seamless integration

Seamless integration with your existing learning management system (LMS).

formative and summative

Proctoring for both formative and summative assessments.


At ExamOnline, we take security seriously. Our platform is designed to provide the highest level of exam security, with features such as:


Data encryption: All data is encrypted in transit and at rest to prevent unauthorized access.


User authentication: Students are required to go through a strict authentication process before starting the exam.


Secure browser: Our secure browser prevents students from accessing unauthorized resources during the exam.


Proctoring technology: Our advanced AI-based technology detects and prevents cheating in real-time.


Access controls: Our platform includes strict access controls to ensure only authorized users can access exam data.

Empowering Distance Learning with Advanced Remote Proctoring Solution - ExamOnline


Over 90% of online learners reported feeling more secure taking exams using ExamOnline’s remote proctoring technology.


ExamOnline’s AI-based proctoring technology has detected and prevented over 99% of cheating attempts during remote exams.


Distance learning institutions have reported a 30% increase in exam efficiency after implementing ExamOnline’s remote proctoring solution.


ExamOnline’s platform offers customizable proctoring settings to meet the specific needs of distance learning institutions and their students


ExamOnline’s platform seamlessly integrates with popular distance learning management systems (LMS) to provide a seamless exam experience for students and instructors alike.


Don't just take our word for it. Here's what our satisfied customers have to say about ExamOnline:

Muain Haseeb

 Muain Haseeb

 Executive Director at Al Arab Medical laboratories, Saudi Arabia

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“ExamOnline has transformed our exam administration process. The platform’s user-friendly interface, customizable settings, and detailed proctoring reports have made remote exams a smooth and reliable experience for us.”

Muain Haseeb

 Muain Haseeb

 Executive Director at Al Arab Medical laboratories, Saudi Arabia


Bernadette Olivia​

Exam Administrator at Ogya Tekno Nusantara , Banten, Indonesia

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“We are truly grateful to ExamOnline for helping us conduct secure and efficient remote exams. Their platform has revolutionized our assessment process, and the advanced proctoring features have ensured the integrity of our exams. examonline’s staff has been very helpful throughout the process. Highly recommended!”


Bernadette Olivia​

Exam Administrator at Ogya Tekno Nusantara , Banten, Indonesia

Ready to take your distance learning exams to the next level? Sign up for ExamOnline Solutions for Distance Learning today and experience the highest level of exam security and efficiency.